Monday, September 30, 2019

Historical chronology Essay

1. Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. Why did this difference in development occur? (1993) 2. In what ways did ideas and values held by Puritans influence the political, economic, and social development of the New England colonies from 1630 through the 1660s? (2010) 3. In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-63) alter the political, economic and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies? (2004) 4. To what extent had the colonists developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution? (1999) 5. To what extent did the American Revolution fundamentally change American society? In your answer be sure to address the political, social and economic effects of the Revolution from 1775 to 1800. (2005) 6. From 1775 to 1830, many African Americans gained freedom from slavery, yet during the same period the institution of slavery expanded. Explain why BOTH of those changes took place. Analyze the ways that BOTH free African Americans and enslaved African Americans responded to the challenges confronting them. (2009) 7. Discuss the changing ideals of American womanhood between the American Revolution (1770’s) and the outbreak of the Civil War. What factors fostered the emergence of â€Å"republican motherhood† and the â€Å"cult of domesticity†? Assess the extent to which these ideals influenced the lives of women during this period. In your answer be sure to consider issues of race and class. (2006) 8. With respect to the federal Constitution, the Jeffersonian Republicans are usually characterized as strict constructionists who were opposed to the broad constructionism of the Federalists. To what extent was this characterization of the two parties accurate during the presidencies of Jefferson and Madison? (1998) 9. Reform movements in the United States sought to expand democratic ideals. Assess the validity of this statement with specific reference to the years 1820-1850. (2002) 10 To what extent did the natural environment shape the development of the West beyond the Mississippi and the lives of those who lived and settled there? How important were other factors? (1992) 11. In what ways and to what extent did constitutional and social developments between 1860 and 1877 amount to a revolution? (1996) 12. Analyze the ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed American agriculture in the period 1865-1900. In your answer be sure to evaluate farmers’ responses to these changes. (2007) 13. How successful was organized labor in improving the position of workers in the period from 1875 to 1900? Analyze the factors that lead to the level of success achieved. ((2000) 14. To what extent was late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century United States expansionism a continuation of past United States expansionism and to what extent was it a departure? (1994) 15. To what extent did economic and political developments as well as assumptions about the nature of women affect the position of American women during the period 1890 – 1925? (1997) 16. It was the strength of the opposition forces, both liberal and conservative, rather than the ineptitude and stubbornness of President Wilson that led to the Senate defeat of the Treaty of Versailles. Assess the validity. (1991)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Corporate Identity: the Concept, Its Measurement and Management

â€Å"Corporate identity: the concept, its measurement and management† by van Riel, Cees B. M. and John M. T. Balmer (1997) tries to clarify the complex concept of corporate identity. The authors review three main developments in the topic that are graphic design paradigm, integrated communication paradigm and interdisciplinary paradigm. The article also describes corporate identity management and various methods that can be used to reveal the actual corporate identity such as laddering technique and the Rotterdam Organizational Identification Test. However, according to the authors, the problem in establishing the desired corporate identity is that available methods were developed for the positioning of product brands rather than the corporate brand. The authors conclude that a favorable corporate identity is one of an organization’s most important assets and for that reason is worthy of constant management attention. I think a great example of how important the corporate identity is for the overall organizational success is the Muzak case in Argenti’s book Chapter 4. In 1997 the company was so insecure about its own identity that its business cards and trucks often looked more like the vendors’ identities than its own. Feature article about  Production Management Also the brand looked different in every region and even between franchisees and sales offices. The company was losing cash, had horrible corporate culture and negative growth. Developing a unifying symbol for the company (that went on everything from business cards to trade shows and sales materials) and bringing Muzak’s brand message to a new level, helped the company to restore its confidence, to change public perception, to grow financially and to attract both new clients and new talented employees. I think that the case illustrates how an appropriate or outdated corporate identity can damage firm’s financial performance and company’s success. Thus, management should not overlook the importance of the corporate identity but rather learn how to shape and manage company’s identity and differentiate the company through it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Leaders and subordinates in Spain Essay

Influenced by its collectivist past, family values, a sense of identity and belonging to a group, are constitutive parts of society in Spain. They care for each other in society like a family. For many Spanish people, the family is effectively a replacement for the state. Generally, Spaniards are very conservative and they will resist making decisions on hazardous matters, particularly if the consequences of their decision would affect other people. Thus, most Spaniards will look for support and approval of family, friends and co-workers before acting on their own. The Spanish believe if you are not a part of a group, neighbourhood, town or business organisation then you are not an integral part of society. This important aspect of the Spanish collectivist culture might restrict business activities and force the ‘outsider’ and visitors to the country to bear down their ‘outsider’ status by fitting into a group. However, regarding personal attributes, individualism is highly valued in Spain, along with an emphasis on character and social status. Therefore, personal qualities, appearance, image and personal relationships are extremely substantial elements in modern Spanish culture. Also, personal attributes and character are frequently valued as highly as technical ability, experience or professional competence. While being rather collectivists in their private lives the Spanish show distinct individualism in business context. When doing business in Spain, you will discover that individualism is especially predominant in management, where Spanish managers are less inclined to prefer group decision making and team orientation, as sharing the burden of decision-making is seen as a sign of weakness. Motivation is based on individual rather than collective relationships. The fact that only the individual in highest authority makes the final decision indicates that decision-making can become very slow and tedious, for many levels of management will have to be consulted in order to analyse the proposition. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a good relationship with these intermediaries in order to succeed. Spain being a feministic society points to a low level of differentiation and discrimination between genders in Spanish society. Machismo is the word for male dominance, and the culture of old men who created it has changed dramatically. Spain has become a very equalitarian society where women are present at universities and work. However, men yet hold the majority of positions within companies. The reason for that is that Spanish men still restrain to treat women as equals in society. Many women in Spain are career oriented and seek high positions in society. Their social and educational status often assigns the role they eventually play in business. Despite the advancement women have made up to date, the change of women trying to achieve higher positions is progressing very slowly, due to the major barrier of it being the mentality of the females themselves. An example for changed/changing attitudes is Soledad Becerril who became not only the first mayoress in the early 90’s but also a symbol for many women in Spain of how Spanish females have made progress in the last years. She was also the first woman to become minister in the government, in 1981. And that is very significant of how Spain has changed and how it continues to do so. Furthermore, masculinity and femininity can be referred to the goals that are aimed for in professional life. Spain being a feministic society indicates issues of security of the job, good employer-employee relationship, pleasant cooperation with the colleagues and friendly work environment. Also, Spanish managers tend to pay more attention to consensus and apart from that, they like to rely on their intuition. HAMPDEN-TURNER & TROMPENAARS Spaniards tend to particularism rather than universalism. Therefore, at work Spanish seek gratification through personal relationships, especially with their superiors. Charismatic leaders find it easy to put their personal stamp on every area in a business. Most of the time job descriptions in Spain have a different function compared to the job descriptions in other countries. In Spain they seldom serve for selecting an employee, but subsequently they will be tailor-made for the favoured candidate. Spanish culture tolerates – even advocates – the expression of emotions (affectivity), also in the business environment. The admiration and display of heated, vital and animated expressions are just as common as fluent and dramatic delivery of statements in Spain. People from diffuse cultures carry their status everywhere; your boss remains your boss and will expect the same respect even if you meet him/her at the gym. Spain indicates to be a specific culture, where official relationships are carefully isolated from relationships of other nature. Using the previous example it means that you may show respect to your boss at the office but his status will not follow him outside the office, and he/she may well ask you for advice. This explains the Spanish being paradoxical in their decision making and in their relation to the community. As a consequence of the fact that Spaniards separate work and personal matters, nobody would take work-related criticism personally. Another theory is that people from diffuse cultures prefer to â€Å"circle around† and establish a relationship before any deal is done; those from specific cultures would rather get straight to the point, focus on the deal first and the relationship will flow from that. This definition contradicts the Spanish being a specific society as they need long discussions prior getting down to business and want to know the person they do business with. Therefore, networks are quite important. For Spanish, status is a thing that is given to them because of what they are (ascribed). It does not matter what you do but what or who you are. Ultimately, status and respect are conferred with the aid of family ties and connections. Concepts like bien educado (good education) and enchufado (good connections) distinguish this phenomenon. Achievement-oriented concepts like ‘pay for performance’ cause for incomprehension in societies like Spain. FUKUYAMA Fukuyama suggests Spain to be a low-trust society where workers are isolated by a series of bureaucratic rules. He describes Spain as a society with strong families and family businesses, a strong state and large foreign owned companies, where hierarchies are necessary in order to force those by distinct rules and measures, who do not act out ethical codes. Evidence of different leadership styles in Spain backs up this theory. A study on ‘Leadership from a Spanish perspectivei drafted by Instituto de Empresa and Deloitte stated that 56% of Spanish Directors prefer a participative leadership style. The report shows that future leaders have to act as coaches, and they must issue their subordinates with the skills and knowhow they need to work efficiently with their teams. However, participative leadership is not the norm among the Spanish directors. Therefore, there is a need for adapting the other styles and make them more participative which requires great commitment from the leaders. The styles least preferred by Spanish senior managers are those based on compulsion with little or no participation of employees and exception-based management where the director only steps in to sort out mistakes. Leaders of relatively new businesses are better at leadership styles, which are based on objectives and development. Where different sectors are concerned, the report unveils how directors in the financial sector tend to use leadership styles that are more direct, transactional and less oriented to learning. While companies in the technology sector give more importance to coaching and vision. MONOCHRONIC vs. POLYCHRONIC Spaniards can be classed as polychronic where nothing seems solid or firm, and there are always changes right up to the very last minute or even in plans for the future. Polychronic cultures are unconventional and flexible with time because it is not seen as a resource or as opportunity cost. Usually start times are flexible and schedules are unrushed. For example, it is not considered to be impolite to keep people waiting, as long as it does not exceed 30 minutes. Since time is also non-linear Spanish tend to manage several tasks at once, often in an unplanned sequence (e. g. salespeople in stores talk to several people at once rather than give only one customer their attention and taking people in turn; a meeting can be interrupted by a phone call; etc.). Another significant cultural difference is the smaller radius of personal space in Spain. Spaniards are most likely not to appologise when bumping into each other or pushing their way through crowds, which can be a shock to visitors from foreign countries. In the business environment, when it comes to forecasting, plans are often based on assumptions, intuition and experience because every day is regarded as unpredictable. Spaniards in the business environment usually make decisions based on judgement, experience and political realities. The supervisory style allows for the rules to be circumvented, whereas style and creativity are highly valued. Titles describe a person’s status, which people take pride in, causing great motivation for competition in organisations. Additionally, personal feelings affect the performance. Spanish managers feel that the employees must be watched, thus giving them the total control where also mistakes can be blamed on other people. However, the supervision is based on trust and some power is still delegated. LEADERSHIP STYLE Generally, the leadership style in Spain, in terms of concern for production and concern for people, demonstrates a high concern for people and little concern for production, whereby they try to avoid conflicts and concentrate on being liked, even at the expense of production. Managers in Spain are acquiring some qualities they look up to in other leaders. However, this contradicts with the theory stated above. Nevertheless, evidence suggest that Spanish leaders are still concerned about their leadership style. One of the conclusions of the first study on i Leadership from a Spanish perspectivei drafted by Instituto de Empresa and Deloitte indicated that 75% of Spain’s directors say that they regularly, or almost always use coaching, a personalised style that focuses on employee development. These leadership criteria are essential when it comes to competitiveness and organisations’ survival. 41% of directors stated that their preferred style of leadership is contingent reinforcement, which rewards subordinates for their achievements. 37% use the goal-oriented style, based on meeting challenges. Analysing the relations between leaders and subordinates in Spain showed that only 46% of Spanish leaders have a good concept of their subordinates. These leaders tend to use coaching as their preferred style of leadership. 26% of survey participants, however, point out having a quite negative concept of their subordinates. These leaders show a clear inclination to use directive and transactional management styles. Finally, the results of the study show clearly that Spanish development-oriented leaders are also very concerned about developing and educating their subordinates.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Project management office (PMO) Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project management office (PMO) - Thesis Example There is convincing evidence, largely in the form of case studies, that suggest the implementation of a project management office can be rather labor intensive and difficult to set up, yet not much research has specifically address the specific challenges that are involved in this process. In addition, little is known about organizations can specifically overcome each of these challenges and begin to realize the benefits of incorporating such an office into their existing project management structure. In an effort to better address this concept and existing gap in research related to this field, a Delphi study was commissioned in order to identify the unique challenges related to implementing a project management office for the express purpose of better managing Information Technology related projects. This study also served the purpose of ranking these challenges in terms of their order of importance so that managers can better understand how the design of the project management off ice itself can benefit the entire Information Technology team. It was also beneficial to uncover and discus the various ways that some organizations have overcome these potential challenges. Doing so enables everyone involved in the process to better understand the particular role and function of the project management office, the metrics involved, and the tools and resources required to facilitate and effective PMO within the organization as a whole. The recently published Standish CHAOS Report revealed that 68% of software projects do not currently meet their own internal targets related to time, cost, or scope (2009). In fact, it was revealed that only about 32% of the projects examined were actually completed on time and within budget. This illustrates the reality that such projects did not often deliver the measurable benefits to the business and affiliated stakeholders that is required, which further alludes to the need for

Thursday, September 26, 2019

An Unannounced Inspection Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

An Unannounced Inspection - Case Study Example Likewise, it was noted that the plant manager is not within the premises and the area where the employee who complained works is reported to be currently undergoing a major renovation for a process change for the product in the line. The Questions and Responses How would you act, what actions should you take, and what would you do? According to OSHA inspection standards, employers should be aware that inspections are regularly conducted without the need for advance notice or any presentation of warrant to inspect. In this case, an employee reported a complaint, which is one of the requirements where OSHA would be able to enter and inspect the worksite without obtaining a warrant or even the employer’s express consent. Therefore, the only expected and appropriate action that should be taken is to allow the OSHA inspector to undertake the needed inspection and to address all inquiries or questions regarding the complaint in the worksite under major renovation; with proper advice of the matter from the plant manager. One could call the authorized officer in charge of safety and the plant manager just to formally advise them that the OSHA inspector is currently at the plant and to enable one to effectively assist the inspector, as duly and lawfully required. Should you challenge the validity of the OSHA inspector's request, or their right to enter the workplace? One has not authority to challenge the validity of the OSHA inspector’s request because by virtue of law, specifically relating to â€Å"Section 5(a)(1) of the Act, known as the â€Å"General Duty Clause,† which requires that every working man and woman must be provided with a safe and healthful workplace† (Occupational Safety & Health Administration, 2002, p. 1), the disgruntled worker has the right to forward any perceived concern that could possible endanger his health and safety in the work setting. Or should you request a warrant to enter the workplace, and thereby gain some time to make sure everything is in order back in the plant? There really is nothing to hide at the plant and the OSHA inspector could even assist in recommending the most appropriate methods to ensure that safety and security of the workers are addressed; while the major renovation for a process change for the product in the line is taking place. Can you gain any time to check with your in-area safety supervisor first? Or, should you immediately comply with the request for the inspection? Explain your answers. As previously noted, one strongly believes that the policy of the organization in terms of reporting relevant incidents (including the area safety supervisor and even the plant manager) must be followed and adhered to. Doing so does not mean that one is buying extra time but following protocols and policies in reporting relevant incidents within the organization for proper approval, as needed. Scenario #2: Serious Near-Miss Crane Incident Brief Case Overview Being the EH&S pr ofessiona

Building technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Building technology - Essay Example Iron was in priority in UK during the early times. . â€Å"Mass produced cast iron components such as classical columns, Gothic window-tracery, nave arcading and even roof trusses were used in an increasing growing number of buildings†[Faculty 2006]. One of the best example for building constructed of cast and wrought iron is Crystal Palace. While cast and wrought iron were utilised for construction, steel took its full accumulation in construction only during the later part of the 19th century, there are many buildings that are made of steel one among them is St.Mary Axe, at London. This is considered as one of the best illustrations that reflects the skills in construction field of today. The use of cast and wrought iron could be found in buildings of the earlier times, until the 19th century the system excited. However, at present cast and wrought iron are used in building bridges and dams. This is mainly due to the fact that the advent of steel has occupied the place of iron in residential as well as industrial buildings. Nevertheless, in some of the industrial constructions cast and wrought iron are used to set the roofing. In the beginning of 18th century cast iron was used a lot and the prefabricated construction technique was practised by using the above form of iron. The property of the cast iron is that it is obtained as a natural source and it has high quantity of carbon in it. Though why cast iron was used in spit of bring brittle is that it does get rust formation when exposed to water and other climatic changes. Wrought iron is strong when get compressed and ductile. In some of the ear4lier buildings, wrought iron was used for roofing. Crystal Palace is one such building, constructed with cast and wrought iron. The load bearing system determines the technological aspect of bearing the whole weight of the walls. As far as Crystal Palace is concerned, â€Å"vertical load bearing† had been constructed. This vertical load bearing was fixed

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Physiological principle for health and social care Essay

Physiological principle for health and social care - Essay Example ysis, deamination, fatty acid oxidations which enters the Tricarboxylic acid cycle or TCA cycle where it combines with oxaloacetic acid to form citrate and this is recycled back to oxaloacetate which continues the cycle again. There can be other intermediates of the TCA cycle which is derived from the breakdown products of carbohydrate , fats and proteins and thus it is not necessarily be acetyl CoA. In the TCA cycle, dehydrogenation takes place in the various molecules and carbon dioxide is liberated(which we finally breathe out). The removed hydrogen is taken up by NAD or FAD to form NADH and FADH2 . These molecules transfer the hydrogen atoms and the respected electrons through the electron transport chain which comprises of enzymatic complexes, that helps to transfer the electrons to the oxygen molecule ( which is inhaled and thus utilized un this fashion) with the formation of water. The hydrogen ions are pumped out of the inner mitochondrial matrix to the external space. This causes the hydrogen ion concentration to be more in external matrix than in the inner matrix. The hydrogen ions are pulled into the inner matrix due to passive diffusion through the half channels in the ATP synthase molecule that has a rotor-stator function. This means when the outside hydrogen atoms are pulled inside the ATP synthase causes a conformational change that puts the free ADP and Pi to its catalytic domain and thus ATP synthesis takes place.(Ganong, 2005)(Das,2009) 2. Whenever metabolism occurs in the body, there can be a change in the pH of the body which can hamper the action of various enzymes needed for completing other metabolic reactions therefore it is necessary to maintain an optimum pH or the acid base balance of the body to maintain homeostasis (keeping the internal environment of the body constant). This can be achieved by the compensatory mechanism which corrects alkalosis or acidosis under the changed conditions. The lungs help to correct acidosis by

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Five Guys Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Five Guys - Case Study Example Originally, the restaurants name was Jerry and the sons. After beginning the business, Janie and Jerry Murrell had a fifth son, with all sons involved in running the business as the Five Guys. Together, the brothers did away with ideas of broad menus; favoring a more honest and solid buggers (DATAMONITOR 2). They pride themselves in offering non-frozen buggers, which are hand-patted from ground beef, and 80% lean. The French fries preparation occurs daily including cutting the potatoes, along with in the house and fresh buggers. The restaurant created a cult following by word of mouth. Five Guys price their burgers at four dollars; yet manage to keep their clients coming back due to their appeal for high quality and fresh food. The pricing makes the restaurants enjoy increased success in areas with higher income that cater mainly to the male demographic. Rather than, depend on conventional advertising, the company relies on the customer’s word of mouth. The product’s im mediate appeal and the restaurant’s storefront ensure that they secure new franchisees and customers. One significant advantage that Five Guy’s business model holds is the simplicity of its menu. Instead of attempting to woo more customers using new products, they prefer to serve clients with well done chips and buggers. The company has shown a desire to keep expanding (Janowitz 4). The company has opened one hundred and sixty three branches in thirteen states. It intends to add at least seventy new restaurants. The company also looks for franchise candidates, whom they evaluate by their general experience in business, degree of personality fit with the restaurant, cash flow, and net worth. Their business involves approximately two thousand five hundred square foot urban or suburban spaces. The restaurant business has also acted as effective anchors for other restaurants, educational facilities, cinemas, and grocery stores. Industry

Monday, September 23, 2019

Cartier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cartier - Essay Example The stimuli related to the brand that evokes various behavioural responses of the consumers are due to various features of the brand which are namely, the communications of the brand, the packaging of the products offered under the brand names and the market environment created by the brand strategies of the company (Aaker, 1996, p.47). Brand experience is of high importance to the companies in today’s market as the brand experience enjoyed by the customers creates an attachment towards preferred brands and hence, develops brand loyalty. In order to sustain business growth in the competitive markets, the companies put additional focus in including brand experience in their market strategies. By acquiring a loyal set of customer through brand experience, the companies have been able to acquire and maintain substantial market share in the industry. This piece of work includes a review of the literature on brand experience and the marketing strategies adopted by the companies in order to develop their brand experience (Aaker, 1997, p.352). The aspect of brand experience has been discussed in context to Cartier luxury brand. Literature Review The age of globalization has opened up the markets in several economies and the companies have expanded in the global markets in order to tap the potential market demand. The increase in market competition has increased the bargaining power of the customers. Over the years, the companies have observed changing trends in the customer behaviour in accepting brands from the available market options. Thus understanding the customer behaviour is important from the point of view of the companies in order to sustain their market shares. Brand experience has emerged as an important consideration for addressing the behaviour of the customers and their responses to various brands that they use in today’s competitive market. The behaviour of the customers related to brand experience depends on not one but several features o f the brand like brand personality, brand community, brand attachment, brand trust and brand love (Ariely, 1998, p.36). The brand experience could be conceptualised as the generation of feelings, sensations, emotion of the customers in response to the brand related stimuli. The concept of brand experience emerges with the classification of customer’s experience into sensory, affective, intellectual, behavioural features of the customer’s behaviour (Schmitt, Zarantonello and Brakus, 2009, p.65). The feelings generated in the customer due to the sensory stimulus refer to the customer’s response to the aesthetic features of the product. The sensory emotions within the customer are generated by the focus on beautifying the product through better packaging. The better packaging in comparison to others provides as sense of assurance and belief to the consumer. The affective component of brand experience generates different customer behaviour as a result of the underly ing belief and ideas of the customer on the particular brand. The affective behaviour of the customer is based on the direct and indirect interaction that the customer had in relation to the bran

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Police Brutality Essay Example for Free

Police Brutality Essay Police work is dangerous. Sometimes police put in situations that excessive force is needed. But, because some officers use these extreme measures in situations when it is not, police brutality should be addressed. The use of excessive force may or may not be large problem, but it should be looked into by both the police and the public. For those people who feel racism is not a factor in causing the use of excessive force, here is a fact. In Tampa Bay, Florida five men died while in the custody of the Tampa Bay police department. The thing is the Tampa Bay Police Department is made up of mostly white officers, but of the five men who died none where white. Four of the five men that died were African Americans, and the other man was a Mexican. If the incident in Tampa Bay does not show person racism, this event might. In New York City, an average of seven Latin Americans were killed a year between 1986 to 1989, but in 1990, that number increased. In that year, twenty-three Latin Americans were killed by police gunfire. Police brutality is involving the unnecessary and unjustified use of force that is either physical or verbal. Other than the police stopping brutality, the use of review boards can be used. These boards must be able to receive all the evidence in a case, including the police audio tapes, in order to make fair judgment if excessive force was used or not. If excessive force is present in cases, these review boards must be able to punish the police or they are almost useless. Whether or not a person believes police brutality is a serious problem, it must be stopped. In some cases, where more force is needed than in others, it is still there. Even in areas where police and the use of excessive force is not a huge problem, it must be decreased by both the police and the public. Finally, there needs to be rules making sure that this never happens again.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Providing Fresh Water To Arid Regions Environmental Sciences Essay

Providing Fresh Water To Arid Regions Environmental Sciences Essay From 1950-2000, there was a huge rise in the demand of the water (Smallwood, 2010). The reason for this massive increase in demand can be due to the massive increase in the worlds population towards the later years of the century. Between the years 1940 to 1960 worlds population was roughly around 2500 millions of people (U.N, 2004). This number increased to 6000 millions of people in year 2000 according to United Nations projections in 2004 (ibid). In order fulfil this huge demand of water different countries in the world started using large scale water management techniques. These techniques were very useful at the beginning however these large scale water management techniques are now considered to be in decline (Smallwood, 2010). The focus is now on the small scale water management techniques, however these small scale techniques such as traditional techniques are sometimes not considered to be sufficient enough (ibid). The arid and semi arid regions are those parts of the where there is very little or no rainfall. These areas are largely in central and south eastern parts of Asia, Africa and some parts of America. Pakistan is a developing country in south eastern region of Asia. Pakistan is a semi arid country with the problem of water management in the country. Therefore as an example of semi arid region this report will focus on the feasibility techniques for managing fresh water in Pakistan. Furthermore, this report will look at the dams as large scale water management technique and water desalination and use of ground water as small scale water management techniques. Pakistan 2.1 Background of water management through the use of large dams in Pakistan As a developing country Pakistans economy is mainly dependent on agriculture. Nearly one quarter of Pakistans GDP is contributed by agriculture sector (Ali, 2004). In order for agricultural sector to flourish Pakistan needs to manage water very carefully. A great amount of water for irrigation comes from 5 main rivers of Pakistan (Ali, 2004). These rivers are Indus, Ravi, Jhelum, Sutlej and river Chenab (ibid). Canal water is generated from these five rivers (ibid). This canal system is the largest canal system in the world (ibid). In addition to this there are 2 main dams build in order to manage water more properly. These dams are Mangla and Tarbela dams. Among these dams there are many other small dams build in order manage water for agriculture and electricity generation purposes. The researchers have however argued that these dams are not sufficient enough for Pakistans power and agriculture needs and there is a need to build more dams in order to manage water more sufficiently. 2.2 Current situation Dams can provide cheap electricity and dams can also help in scenarios of natural disaster. Pakistan is currently facing an electricity shortfall of 3000 to 6000 megawatts (Khan.2010). Furthermore recent floods in Pakistan have destroyed thousands of villages and hundreds of cities. According to United Nations floods in July 2010 has affected more than 20 million people in Pakistan. These floods have not only affected the people but floods have also destroyed the crops, which were the main source of income for the people in Pakistan. The arguments have again taken a rise that a controversial KalaBagh dam should be built and if that dam would have been there this flood would not have affected as much it has affected now. The KalaBagh dam is the largest proposed dam to be built in the northern areas of Pakistan. However due to being controversial the work on this has not been started. 2.3 Kalabagh dam, a controversial proposed large dam Kalabagh Dam Project proposed to be located near Islamabad on Indus River (Alvi The proposed dam is a multi-purpose project, it would have a live storage capacity of 6.1 million acre feet (ibid).it will fill the capacity loss in reservoirs, it would make contribute very much to irrigation supplies not only for new projects but provide additional water which was agreed by the provinces under Water Apportionment Accord (WAA) of 1991 (ibid). Furthermore, it would add a large amount of cheap hydropower to the National Grid through its 2400 MW (Ultimate 3600 MW) installed power (ibid). This can solve the energy crises of Pakistan and the electricity shortfall can be finished. However this project is opposed by three provinces of Pakistan. Other than Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa all are against the project of Kalabagh dam. According to the Sindhi point of view Kalabagh dam would turn sindh into desert (Alvi There would be no additional water to fill Kalabagh reservoir (ibid). However recent floods in Pakistan prove that there are enough surpluses of water. Sea water intrusion in Indus estuary would accentuate (ibid). Building of Kala bagh dam will destroy the mangrove forests, which are already threatened (ibid). KalaBagh dam would affect the fish production and water supplies in the southern areas of Pakistan (ibid). It is feared that historic flooding of Peshawar Valley including Nowshera town would be aggravated in the event of recurrence of 1929 record flood (Alvi Drainages of surrounding area of Mardan, Pabbi and Swabi plains would be adversely affected by the reservoir thus creating water logging and salinity (ibid). Operation of Mardan SCARP would be adversely affected (ibid). Fertile land would be submerged (ibid). Large number of people would be displaced (ibid). The claims that are mentioned above are the fears of the provinces and it remains to be seen that these claims do really have any reality behind them.Other than the above controversial reasons the Kalabagh dam is a mega project. In other words the Kalabagh dam is considered to be in the large scale water management technique. As it is argued by the Smallwood (2010) that the world is generally moving from using the large scale water management techniques towards the small scale water management techniques. The reason for this is that large scale water management techniques have many disadvantages. When the water is stored on a large scale there is a high risk of water born diseases (Smallwood.2010). Large dams are the combine resources so it is difficult manage the water as everybody would require more water (ibid). In addition to this, large dams causes large amount of displacements of the people (Ibid). Water desalination and small dams used as small scale fresh water management by other arid or semi arid countries Due to the exploitation of natural sources of water, as the water demand has increased, there is a great stress on alternate sources of fresh water (Fritzman, 2006). The sea water can be used to fulfil the demands of the water (ibid). The water is desalinated through thermal technology (ibid). Through this technology the salt is evaporated from the water to make it able for daily use (ibid). The Middle East areas of the world are the main user of the water desalination technology (ibid). These areas are arid and it has a great demand of fresh water (ibid). In order to fulfil the water demands the thermal water desalination technology is being used (ibid). The arid and semi arid regions of Europe are also using the water desalination technology (ibid). The greatest example is the Spain which has the largest water desalination capacity (ibid). This demand of the desalinated water will grow further with Middle East being the greatest user of this technology (ibid). This is due to the rapid increase in the population of Middle Eastern areas (ibid). The Asia will become the rapid growing market of water desalination as there is large increase in population and conventional water resources are becoming insufficient to fulfil the demand of the water (ibid). The water desalination can fulfil the water demands very easily however the cost of installing the water desalination plants are high. However as compared to large dams the cost of water desalination plant is low, meaning water desalination can provide water very cheaply. Through water desalination the water can only be provided to the areas which are near to the sea (Smallwood, 2010). In order to provide fresh water to the areas which are away from the sea and the areas are arid small scale dams can be built to fulfil the demand of the fresh water. A small scale or micro dam if it is designed properly can provide many benefits to the areas near the dam (Ersado, 2005). The micro dams can provide water for irrigation, water for cattle and might even provide water for fishing purposes (ibid). In the areas where there is scarcity of water, usually in developing countries the micro dams can provide water for domestic purposes (ibid). The micro dams are less expensive as compared to large dams and these dams are less controversial. These dams however have many side effects (Ersado, 2005). The standing water can be the source of malaria (ibid). Moreover the standing water provides a good environment for disease transmission (ibid). Conclusion As it argued by Smallwood (2010) that the world is now moving away from the large scale water management. The developed nations such as U.S.A have stressed upon small scale water management techniques (Smallwood, 2010). The arid areas such as Middle East is using water desalination method in order fulfil the demand of fresh water (Fritzman, 2006). The developing countries can also use their costal line in order to fulfil the demand of fresh water. For example Pakistan has a long costal line starting from south of Sindh till the end of south of Baluchistan. This costal line can be used for water desalination and it can fulfil the demand of fresh water of the southern arid areas of Pakistan. As it already predicted by Fritzman (2006) that the water desalination method would be the fastest growing method of providing fresh water, the developing nations such as Pakistan should consider this method and fulfil its water demands.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Religious Systems Of Ancient Greeks And Romans Religion Essay

The Religious Systems Of Ancient Greeks And Romans Religion Essay The religion of ancient Greeks represented a predominant form of early Paganism. They believe in worshipping many Gods. The Romans Gods can be cited as a belief of numen, according to which God inhabit the living things and objects and can be found in everything in nature  [2]  . The religious beliefs of these two cultures deeply influence the cultural, political and other such activities in the state. A study is done here to find out the practices that are followed in these cultures as a result of different religious beliefs and political and social differences between the two in the pre-historic times by comparing their beliefs. Roman Religion The history of Rome can be divided into three phases or periods. It originated in the year 753-509 B.C. when it established itself by conquering Etruscans. Then the second phase is the era when the Republic falls and the Battle of Actium happened between 509-31 B.C. Finally the new law and government and the Roman Empire emerged in the era 31 B.C. to 476 A.D. Also Christianity emerged as new phenomena to be reckoned in this period  [3]  . The Roman pantheons were originated in small villages of Rome by farming community. The mythology thus believed in faceless and nameless deities which support the communities. The people believed in Numen as a pantheistic inhabitant which however later transformed to a more defined system of Gods. The Romans were particular about the responsibility of their deity and thus each family was assigned with a guardian spirit called Lar Familiaris (Lars) which were then involved in all family functions. Examples of these are Genii represent men and junii for women. The Roman Gods as we know today got their form in the dynasty of Etruscan king in 6th century B.C. The God like Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva were then worshiped in temples. The Romans used to easily adopt others culture and they worship foreign Gods and adopt their customs as well, for example goddess Cybele was adopted in the Second Punic War, which is a Phoenician God and it still prevails in Roman System  [4]  . An imperial system rose in Rome with time and the Emperors like Julian Caesar claimed to be descendent of Aeneas and accepted the divine honors like God. This however became a source of conflict with Christians, and the emperor worship continued till 4th century A.D. and ended in the reign of Constantine. Christianity became the official religion in 392 AD. According to editor Fjordman of The Brussels Journal, Christianity gradually became the Greco-Roman culture since its foundation. As Christianity had suppressed the Greco-Roman religion, Henry Bamford stated in his book Gods and Men -The Origins of Western Culture that  [5]   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦although Christianity may have borrowed from the pagan heritage, it borrowed only what it could integrate with its own basic doctrines and could profitably absorb and make use ofà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.Much more important in the early evolution of Christianity was the influence of the classical intellectual heritage. As men trained in Hellenic and Roman modes of thought became converted, they began to reinterpret the new doctrines in the terms to which they were accustomed. Thus, Christian theology was presented in the language of Greek philosophy and of Roman law. Greek Religion The origin of ancient Greeks is thought to be 2nd millennium B.C. i.e. somewhere around the Aryan invasions period. Greek culture is formed with the fusion of the Aegeans (Pelasgians) and the Minoans of Crete culture. The civilization thus created was also known as Minoan-Mycenean civilization which existed from 1600 B.C. till 1400 B.C  [6]  . The Greeks used to worship many Gods. They have various myths with respect to distinct gods and domains. Many mythological series were illustrated in the art of Archaic and Classical Greece. The Greek pantheon determined twelve principle deities. Zeus the sky god is considered to be the prime power amongst others. Mount Olympos is considered to be the home of gods in Greece. Greek religious practices had some of its roots in the Bronze Age (3000-1050 B.C.). Lliad and Odyssey are considered to influence the Greek thoughts and the relation between the god and the humans were believed to be on concept of exchange of gifts  [7]  . Greeks used to give offering to their god in separate sanctuaries. The sanctuaries were built by marking off an area around an altar. As said by Aeschylus, The altar is an unbreakable shield, stronger than a fortification tower  [8]  . The boundary stones also called horoi might be used to create fence also called peribols thereby establishing a separate area which was termed as temenos. Each and everything in the sanctuary is treated as sacred and many refuges took shelter in these temenos. In the words of Euripides, The abode of the gods is a protection shared by all men  [9]  . It was a civil and religious crime to steal any property of god from these temenos. The hundreds or thousands of deities in Greece have one day dedicated to them each year, when the families celebrate the day with their neighbors. The family also might sacrifices a goat or sheep to keep the deity happy. Apart from these annual festivals the people can worship in case of personal needs like Apollodorus promised one-tenth of his profits to Poseidon on his safe return, before making a business trip. This gift which is served as a votive offering could be in the form of small statuette or painted plaque to the sanctuary with his name and the purpose of gift written on it like this: Apollodorus, son of Diopeithes after having made a vow, Erects this for you. Poseidon, as a tithe. Many such dedications can be found in the Greek dedicated museums today  [10]  . Art and philosophy arose as a result of Greek religion. The Greek religion was highly influenced by women as it arose at a time when the women deities were dominant. Some women involved in the early formation of Greek religion were Hecate, Ariadne, Athene, Demeter etc. Art of god and goddesses became the milestones of Greek and earned Greek society huge benefits by means of trade. Religion was more integrated in the ancient Greek people, compared to nowadays. All people belonging to same culture followed a common religion. The Greek religion is also referred as pagan which means ignorance of Christianity, however the Christianity was well came into existence in the Roman period. Also it is believed that Christianity was the adoption of Greek culture with changed names  [11]  . Comparing Greeks and Romans In ancient times, the Greeks and the Romans influenced European and American civilization the most. The Roman culture acquired many of its habits from the Greeks and also the laws and architecture designs of Roman culture were inspired by the Greeks  [12]  . However comparison can be made between the two in many ways. The Greeks followed a democratic form of government with the leader being a group of men called an oligarchy as chosen by people. The Romans however followed a semi-democratic form of government with a governing Senate and a political leader having all the powers as of a single emperor. The ancient Greeks were artistic in nature and had constructed well defined buildings which were beautiful and pleasant, and were especially temples, facades and columns. The Romans, on the other hand, worked more as engineers and constructed best roads, buildings, and other civic amenities and were less interested in building gods and goddesses architecture. However in both the cultures the people have to pay stiff taxes to government for their buildings. The literary interests existed in both the cultures with the Greeks epic followed the old tradition of writing like the Iliad by Homer , however the Roman epics were composed by living and on the spot writers like The Aeneid by Vergil  [13]  . The Greek and the Roman Gods performed the same duties but with different names. The Roman religion accepted many of the deities of the Greek Pantheon like the Mithra, the sun-god, Isis etc. but was more comprehensive in nature. Romans religion was practical in nature as against poetic nature of the Greek religion. The household Gods are dominant in Rome as they worship their ancestors, and the festivals celebrated in worship of God are numerous in Rome as compared to Greeks  [14]  . The study of the two ancient cultures here presented the fact that our ancient civilization is rich in culture and the various religions had an influence on each other in their formation. The culture and the religion followed by the people in ancient times were different still they paved the way for a common religion called Christianity. The religions greatly influenced the beliefs of the people and the society as a whole. The political and social thoughts of these two cultures are discussed here and the differences were found. The difference in the deities and the way of worship can also be seen. Thus the significance and relevance of the topic of discussion is great in all respect.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Transformation of Hal in Shakespeares Henry IV Essay -- Henry IV

The Transformation of Hal in Henry IV      Ã‚  Ã‚   In Shakespeare's Henry IV, the character Hal, the Prince of Wales, undergoes a transformation that can be characterized as a redemption. Shakespeare introduces Hal, in the opening act as a renegade of the Court.   His avoidance of all public responsibility and his affinity for the company of   the Boar's Head Tavern, have caused serious concern for the King, because Hal is heir to the throne.   The King realizes that to keep order, a ruler and his heir must prove to be both responsible and honorable;   from the outset Hal possesses neither quality.   The King even testifies to his own advisor, that he would have rather traded Hal for Hotspur, the son of the Earl of Northumberland.   In the King's eyes Hotspur, not Hal,   is the "theme of honor's tongue" (1.1. 80), because he has won his glory through his merits in war.   Thus, Shakespeare has set Hal and Hotspur in opposition:   Hal, the prodigal prince, versus Hotspur, the proper prince.   Hal understands that he has been branded with the label, "truant to chivalry,"(5.1.   95) and as the heir to the throne, he realizes that it is imperative that he redeem himself not only for himself, but also for his father and his people because life will not always be a holiday , for "If all the year were playing holidays, To sport would be as tedious as work" (1.2. 211- 212).   However Hal needs some type of strength to make his realization come true.      Luckily Hal's father, the King is willing to lend several comments that enrage him and provide him with the necssary motivation.   It also seems that Shakespeare has included the foil for Hal, the vali... ...o someday rule the nation.       Works Cited and Consulted Barber, C.L. "Rule and Misrule in Henry1V." William Shakespeare: Histories and Poems. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. 143-167. Bloom, Harold. Henry IV, Part One: Bloom's Notes. New York: Chelsea House, 1996. Cruttwell,Patrick. Hernry IV. Shakespeare For Students, Vol. II. Detroit: Gale Publishing, 1999. Kantor, Andrea. Henry IV, Part One. London: Baron's Education Series, Inc, 1984. Princiss, G.M. Henry IV Criticism. Shakespeare For Students, Vol.II. Detroit: Gale Publishing, 1999. Shakespeare, William. The Norton Shakespeare. Ed Stephen Greenblatt, et al. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1997. Shakespeare, William.  Ã‚   1Henry IV.   In The Norten Anthology of English Literature. Eds.   M.H. Abrams et all.   5th Ed. New York: Norton, 1987.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essays --

The Scott Peterson Case. This case was about a couple, Laci and Scott Peterson who everyone thought they had a good life together, good jobs, nice cars, a golden retriever, a new house, and even a new baby on the way. Scott Peterson began to become unhappy and did not want that new baby with all the stress going on, and instead of getting a divorce he decided to kill his own wife and unborn son! On December 24, 2002, Laci Peterson was reported missing by her husband Scott, she was eight months pregnant. Scott acted very calm and collected about his missing wife, he was on a â€Å"fishing trip† at Berkeley Marina and he when he returned home he seen that lacy was not at home and that was gone from early in the morning to the mid afternoon. They called the cops, and the search for Laci began. It was a huge search over 1,000 volunteers signed up to give information about Laci and her disappearance. There was a 25,000 dollar reward that increased up to 250,000 dollars and then was then increased all the way up to 500,000 dollar reward for any leads that would bring her home. There were posters, and fliers and even a website trying to spread the word about Laci’s disappearance and trying to bring her home to her family and friends. But, There were no signs of Laci anywhere, they began to not believe that she would show up safe anytime soon about halfway thru, but th ey kept looking all the way until March 5th, 2003, when it went from a disappearance case, to a homicide case where Scott Peterson is the biggest suspect they have. Then everyone hopes of Laci coming home safe went down the drain on April 13, 2003. there was a couple that was walking their dog along San Francisco Bay shore in Richmond's Point Isabel Regional Shoreline park, th... ...ut right because i don’t think that any other sentence would be okay. This outcome was correct because he doesn’t get to walk as a free man or even live his life how he was and he doesn’t have the chance to hurt anyone else. If you hurt your child and your wife, who that is supposed to be who you love and protect the most when you are an older man. When you choose to hurt them, your own family i believe you will hurt anyone then. I think that the defendant did receive a fair trial because there were more than 6 jurors, there were about 9, because of the ones who got kicked off, due to different reasons. I think that it was many different point of views. I believe that he received no special treatment, there was so many points and evidence against him, including the lies, and everything he lied about. I think that there was no special treatment to even go his way.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Expressing Yourself

Expressing Yourself Many people have opinions on what they see others wear. They feel that if everyone looks the same that there will be less problems. I believe they are wrong. Have you ever went to a school where they were about to give you a dress code? What was your opinion on the subject? If school officials like principals and vice principals decide they want to enforce a uniform rule they are not helping anything. They will be taking away students creativity and their ability to express themselves.When people wear what they want they feel confident and comfortable in their own skin. If official change the way we dress it would make for a very boring school. There are so many personalities in a school and they all make the school a fun place to be where others can express themselves without being judged. This will help with a self- esteem problem. Many kids have a self- esteem issue. If people think that wearing a uniform will help them love themselves more they are wrong. I be lieve it will only make them look down on themselves.Think about it, if they are out of shape and they see someone in better shape than them and there wearing the same thing their going to think they are ugly Clayton 2 and worthless. Even if people choose how students would dress it wouldn’t help all the other reasons why kids get bullied now-a-days. Everyone should feel beautiful and wearing clothes that you want helps you feel better about yourself. Clothes can also be therapeutic. Sometimes being a misfit is what brings joy to someone. They don’t want to be the same as everyone else.In the constitution it states that we have the right to be free. Free to dress however we would like. If they make us where uniforms it would be taking away one of our rights. I also believe that students parents don’t have all the money in the world to be spending on their child’s clothes. Uniforms are not clothes that students could wear on and everyday basis. Adding unif orms to a schools dress code would allow parents to spend way more money than what they usually would. They would have to pay for their child’s school clothes plus their regular clothes.I believe school uniforms should not be allowed in schools. I believe wearing uniforms is just all around a bad idea. They don’t allow students to express themselves and their personalities, they don’t help with bullying in the school system, and they take away student rights. I think that if schools really want to have uniforms they should pay for every single students uniform in the school. Students take pride in what they wear and by having to wear a uniform you would just be lowering their self- esteem.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Organizational Behavior and Globalization Essay

In a world which is characterized by globalization, especially in terms of the operations of different businesses, there is also a need for organizations to demonstrate a higher degree of responsiveness and provide an assurance that its current management systems in place are in accordance with the requirements of the current environment and context. With this thing in mind, it can be noted that one of the things which significant affect the operations of businesses which should be highlighted, in response to being more global, or to globalization, would be organizational behavior. In the past years, globalization has been taken into different contexts and has become more apparent in the operations of many businesses. In a nutshell, the occurrence of globalization can be seen as the act of being absent of distance in culture and society, as there is said to be unification and in time and space, affecting various facets of the society, including political, cultural, social, and econom ic life (Ray, 2007). It is apparent that globalization has led into paradigm shifts in the manner at which many businesses operates wuch as with regards to the presence of a stronger international trade, major technological advancements, and increased cultural exchange (Braun, 2005). Because of the significant effects which were brought about by the advent of globalization in contemporary businesses, it is apparent that there has also been an urgent need for these firms to address such concerns in managing organizational behavior. Many organizations should adapt to the consequences of globalization because of the fact that it creates a great impact on their organizational behavior. Because of the higher degree of interdependence between different factors which are relevant in the operations of organizations such as economic, cultural, and social factors, it has been regarded that there is a higher concern for many to place a gat deal of emphasis on organizational behavior. In addition, the advent of globalization has also made businesses expand their operations, some even on an international scale. Because of such expansion, or what others would call multinationalization, it can be reflected that teher are apparent differences within the employees, and even the m anagement style, within the  organization. These differences and diversity, as brought about by various cultures in the work environment, and as a consequence of globalization, can be given the appropriate solutions given the fact that the management has the right approach towards organizational behavior (Wagner and Hollenbeck, 2010). The world made closer and smaller, as a consequence of globalization, has made significant changes in with regards to organizational behavior. From the management context, the intertwining of cultures within organization, again, as a consequence of globalization, has serious management implications. It calls upon the greater need to manage organizational behavior in such a way that it must be assured that the people are made comfortable under a diverse working environment to make them more effective and efficient in their jobs (Harris and Hartman, 2002). In addition, it is also important to note that globalization serves as a major force which restructures economic, political, and social systems within societies and within organizations. With such, as it has been highlighted in the earlier sections of this paper, globalization calls for better management of organizational behavior and it should be assured that the organizational changes which serve as the consequences of globalization should be given emphasis so that it will not allow any negative consequences on the way people behave and functions within today’s contemporary organizations. The management of today’s organizations must learn many international management techniques, especially those which relate to management of the workforce, to be assured that they are not negatively affected by the outcomes which are brought by globalization (Griffin and Moorhead, 2010). Organizational Behavior and Organizational Structure For the effective and efficient operations of any organizations, one of the most apparent requirements would be an organizational structure which fits the business and which would gain a high level of support from its workforce. Organizational structure, by definition, is a system which allows the provision of the division, grouping, and coordination of various activities within the organization. It provides an outline of the tasks  which shall be completed by individuals and groups (Hoye, et al., 2009). Furthermore, it also allows the provision of the hierarchy of authority and responsibilities to determine the people who would be reporting with the superiors and to be able to as well provide how the employees are linked to each other, with specific emphasis on the tasks which are supposed to be completed (Kinney, 2008). It is assumed that the organizational design and structure can be considered as a key shaping force of the organizational behavior. They are highly influential towards the implementation of strategies and also significant towards being able to trigger both employee commitment and motivation (Beer, n.d.). Because of the high degree of importance which is placed upon organizational structure, it is apparent that many firms in today’s time are already veering away from the traditional forms of management. For instance, instead of the deployment of an organizational structure which is mechanistic or stable, many firms are now using a structure and design which is organic or adaptive., The use of such organizational structure is said to give them the benefit of flexibility and being more dynamic. With such, it can also be assumed that there is a greater flexibility towards the management of the behavior of the workforce. In addition, it is also important to take note that certain aspects of organizational behavior, such as the turnover satisfaction, and performance of the workforce, are greatly influenced by its structure. In an organic or adaptive organization, as it has been mentioned earlier, it can be seen that the level of employee satisfaction is higher basically because there is a greater degree of responsiveness in accordance with what is needed rather than being stable regardless of the situation which the work environment is confronted with (Walonick, 1993). Furthermore, it should be assured that the organization is structured in such a way that it is responsive of the needs and the objectives of the organization. A weak or deficient organizational structure can have negative effects on organizational behavior, such as in the following aspects: it can delay decision-making because of overloaded hierarchy; correct information may not be provided to the right person and in the right format, therefore  leading into low-quality of decision outcomes; organization may demonstrate the failure to become responsive of the changing environment, especially in a case of an organization with a highly diversified workforce; and there might be a presence of conflicts between individuals and departments which are working against each other (Nelson and Quick, 2008). Different organizational structures, including the systems for reporting and supervision, show a variety of effects on organizational behavior. For instance, n a firm in which the decision-making activities are concentrated on the top or senior management, or under a highly centralized organization, the praises for the problem solving techniques all go to the top management,. In such case, it can be reflected that employees may have a feeling that it is quite unfair for them, especially if they know that they have exerted significant efforts in carrying out a multitude of tasks, for which the credit goes not to them, but to the senior management. This could result into lack of motivation and low level of employee morale. On the other hand, in an organizational structure at which there are rigid policies and vague design on who and where to report, there is a potential to lead the workforce into the feeling that they are not trusted basically because they are not involved. In such organizational structure, employees may demonstrate low quality of work and low degree of productivity basically because there is a failure from the management to provide am organizational design which clearly outlines their responsibilities and hierarchy. Because of such situations, it is therefore important to create an organizational structure which will be able to make the organizations more effective through a behavior which can be expected to result into high quality of outputs ( Phillips and Gully, 2011). Organizational Behavior and Outsourcing Outsourcing in business is indeed a proof that globalization has taken its toll in the operations of today’s organizations. Outsourcing allows for the transfer of the recurrent internal activities of an organization to a contracted outside provider. Outsourcing is considered as a strategic move by today’s contemporary businesses for different reasons and benefits, such  as the following: enhancing the effectiveness of the organization by the demonstration of a focus on the things which they do best; improvement in operation performance, increasing product, service, customer, and shareholder value; improving risk management; improving control and management; reduction in investments of various assets; gaining market access through the provider of services which are outsources; and expansion of the organization’s current market (Greaver, 1998). Furthermore, the practice of outsourcing business activities can also result into increased flexibility with regards to ensuring the maximum optimization of the resources which the organization is confronted with and it also allows rapid technological migration (Blokdijk, 2008). Outsourcing, aside from the fact that it leads into significant reduction in costs, speeding up business activities, and increasing the efficiency of an organization, also shows significant benefits with regards to organizational behavior. For instance, it has been noted that because of outsourcing, there is a greater possibility for teamwork to be apparent within the operations of the organization. Outsourcing makes it possible for the workforce to focus on their job junctions at which they are skilled and competent, making them more valuable for the firm. This can lead into heightened employee motivation and morale, especially knowing the fact that they are given the chance to excel on the things which they do best. It would be possible to enhance teamwork with the presence of outsourcing in the organization, especially if communication, trust, and cooperation are also apparent in the organizational culture. However, although it can be seen as beneficial in the promotion of teamwork, it does not come in the absence of challenges. These challenges are commonly as well significant in the field of organizational behavior. In the case of organizations in which outsourcing is practiced, it is extremely possible to view such as a threat and lack of support from management. This is basically because the two different companies may not develop a dynamic and lasting relationship which can motivate the employees to do well in their jobs (Griffin and Moorhead, 2010). Outsourcing has a direct impact on the employees of the organization. For instance, it has been assumed by some that outsourcing can be treated as an  apparent breach of the psychological contract of the employees with the organization. This means that the unconscious expectations of the employees for the organization to be more responsive of their psychological needs and be more supportive of their psychological defenses are not fulfilled. Such has the potential to lead into low employee morale and any other aspects of human behavior which can trigger productivity and efficiency at work (Morgan, 2009). In addition, another effect of outsourcing in organizational behavior is that it can possibly lead the employees into having a feeling of job deterioration and job insecurity. It can lead into the deterioration of working conditions in the sense that such employees may be assigned work which is precarious and it can also elad into longer working hours. For instance, if the business is outsourced in a different country, there may be significant differences in working hours between the two locations and it can inevitably lead into stress and unfavorable working conditions at one end (Blanke, 2009). Lastly, outsourcing also has the potential to lead into thinking that the skills and competencies of the employees are underestimated (Roe, et al., n.d.). Organizational Behavior and Virtual Organizations Virtual organization, just like outsourcing, is also one of the means to make the world smaller through a network of connections to make business processes more efficient and easier. A virtual organization is an organization which even members are geographically separated from each other, the organization is still single and unified as they are connected with computers and other means of technology which would allow them to be working with each other, regardless of their locations. One of its most outstanding features is that it lacks physical structure which shows that such organizations have a lower degree of physical presence compared to organizations of other types. Operations are often decentralized rather than being concentrated, basically because the members are geographically dispersed from each other. In addition, it also demonstrates heavy reliance on a multitude of communication technologies in order to link people with each other. Organizations of such type also benefits from the fact that it is inclusive, boundaryless, responsive, and flexible. However, although such  benefits may prove to be evident in the case of virtual organizations, it is also apparent that t requires the need for sophisticated management techniques as there is a need to link and unify people into one common organizational objective, despite the fact that they are working in distant locations (Warner and Witzel, 2004). Just like in cases which were earlier mentioned in the earlier sections of this paper, the operations of virtual organizations also show significant effects with regards to organizational behavior. The advent of various information and communication tcehnologes has given way to such developments in organizational operations. Without a doubt, people were given the opportunity to complete their jobs anywhere and anytime which they find it appropriate. The development of such virtual organizations presented a number of challenges in the management of organizational behavior. In the absence of a physical environment which shall govern and monitor the completion of jobs, there are apparent common challenges such as the management and leadership style which shall be employed, career planning, evaluation of performance, and how the employees will be monitored (Kirel, 2007). Furthermore, it has also been regarded that one of the most important requirements essential in the success of virtual organizations is the fact that the members or the employees must be knowledgeable and competent in the use of various technologies which shall facilitate communication and coordination between the distant parties working with each other in pursuit of the business goals. In such regard, to be able to result into efficacy, there is a need for the coordination of the different agents who are involved in organizational behavior. There is a need to ensure that all the concerned people will have an understanding of the domain of operations of the virtual organization to be assured that they will demonstrate a high or an acceptable level of competency in the completion of their tasks (Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2004). Because one of the main goals of virtual organizations is to coordinate and link people in different locations, management will be confronted with a  great challenge in terms of how it shall enact a culture which is apparent in any other organization. There will be a challenge to maintain commitment from the workforce despite the fact that there may be an absence of direct supervision and insufficiency of support coming from the management. There is a potential fgor the presence of increased conflict and decreased loyalty. Such organizational behavior concerns will be quite challenging to manage basically because of the presence of geographically-dispersed locations of operations (Sims, 2002). Organizational Behavior and Strategic Alliances With the goal of achieving better business efficiency and effectiveness, many organizations consider a number of means by which they can be able to increase their competency and ability. One of such would be through strategic alliances which make it possible to demonstrate a high degree of cooperation between various groups in lieu of the objective of being able to better business results. Through strategic alliances, businesses are able to employ a cooperative strategy through the combination of capabilities and resources to be able to achieve their sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, under the concept of strategic alliances, there is an apparent sharing and exchange of both resources and capabilities between firms which are partnering with each other. Today, such alliances have been regarded as a competitive strategy, especially for many smaller businesses which are competing against the bigger ones. Strategic alliances are often given consideration by the management in o rder to expand their operations and tap a greater fraction of the market, which they cannot complete in the absence of another firm to help them accomplish their goals (Hitt, et al., 2009). With the variety of definitions which are given to describe the contexts of strategic alliances, two prove to be most significant in its relation to organizational behavior. First, strategic alliances entail the involvement of two different organizational entities. These organizational actors are separate, initially, as being characterized by differences in interests, powers, and identities. Second, the formation of a strategic alliance is geared towards the interaction of two parties to achieve specific goals  which may vary across partners. The relationship between the organizations forming an alliance serves as a significant discussion in the examination of their relevance to organizational behavior. One of the major challenges which are confronting such integration of businesses is the fact that it many potentially lead into intergroup and identity issues. This is emerging from the fact that in the case of alliance formations, two or more distinct groups of organizations composed of employees with different culture and orientation, will be working together for a long period of time to achieve a common business goal. Some of the potential issues which may arise from such would include mistrust, favoritism, and group boundaries which would divide the workforce, instead of being unified. Fairness and inclusion are also among two of the most important dimensions which should be highlighted in intergroup issues which are given rise by the advent of strategic alliances. Furthermore, in-group favoritism, as earlier mentioned, can also be evident. This can be possible in a case wherein one side of employees would be more favored from the alliance, especially if such party has a greater contribution towards the success o0f the said alliance. There is also a high tendency and possibility that cultural clash can be present because of the dissimil arity from the different groups of employees. Such issues should be highlighted in the management of organizational behavior so that they cannot6 further escalate into problems which can lead into the failure to manage diversity and can lead into insufficiency of teamwork within the organization formed from a strategic alliance (Leung and White, 2004). Managerial perceptions and cognitions are important to be developed in the case of strategic alliance sin order to see to it that organizational behavior is properly managed, in such a way that it brings an inclusive workplace, while highlighting the significance of diversity management, in spite of the fact that the employees came from organizations which were once separate from each other. There is a need to manage inter-organizational in such a way that the emotions, culture, and perspectives of the employees from organizations forming the alliance will be carefully understood (Das, 2011). Organizational Behavior and Multinational Corporations Current trends in the business context, such as the increasing presence of globalization, have also allowed businesses to flourish and expand their operations on a global scale. An evident proof of such claim is the perpetual increase in the number of multinational corporations operating in different countries all over the world. Selling goods and services of corporations in different countries is not a new phenomenon in the business context, but contemporary issues have confronted such firms especially given the perpetually changing economic and political context which governs their operations. The multinational corporations can be seen as a highly effective and efficient means for utilizing the world’s resources, including humans. It is also an effective tool for bringing new technologies and highly advanced business practices, especially in their operations in developing nations. Despite the fact that a multitude of risks are confronting their operations, it cannot be denie d that they bring benefits which are unparalleled especially in terms of economic metrics (Yusof, 2007). One of the major challenges which are evident in the operations of multinational corporations is the fact that it must be able to demonstrate flexibility and responsiveness in the management of people. This is in recognition of the approach that there is a no one-size-fits-all approach towards managing organizational behavior and culture. Multinational corporations must be able to adjust their management styles and strategies depending on the country at which it has its operations. The organizational behavior must be adjusted to the context that it will prove to be appropriate to the organizational culture. In addition, there is also a need to manage the global company in such a way that teamwork is promoted despite the diversity of operations and that there is a promotion of inclusivity in the workplace in order to positively influence to attitudes and behaviors of the workforce. Control and coordination should be the focus of the people managing multinational corporations to be assured that the employee needs and requirements are being meant, in spite of the breadth nd scope of the operations of the firm. The right principles towards international management and organizational behavior should be strongly demonstrated in managing an organization in which more than one culture as involved, like in  the context of the operations of multinational corporations. In such case, diversity management is essential to promote a work environment which is conducive and productive (Arora, 2000). In some multinational corporations, even if it can be assumed that the operations are autonomous from each other, there is still a strong need in order to properly manage organizational behavior. As it has been discussed, the diversity of culture, same in the case of strategic alliances, should be one of the most significant highlights which should be prioritized by the management of the organization. There is a need to assure that there is a common vision across boundaries which separate operations. A unified goal is needed in order to get the workforce to act in such a way that the complexity of wide scale operations is minimized to an acceptable level. The ability of multinational corporations to create a globally integrated system will be largely dependent on its capacity to manage its operations, given the fact that it extends geographical boundaries. To create such integration in its systems of operations, there is a need for the demonstration of the ability to manage apparent differences of its people across cultures, to be assured that they will behave and perform in accordance with what is expected to generate better business results and create a more dynamic work environment (Phillips and Gully, 2011). REFERENCES: Arora, R., 2000.Encyclopedic dictionary of organization behavior. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons Beer, M., n.d., Organizational behavior and development. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 28 July 2011]. Blanke, T., 2009. Recasting worker involvement? 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Sunday, September 15, 2019

How Does John Steinbeck Present the Character of Crooks Essay

Crooks (named for his crooked back) is the stable buck who works with the ranch horses. He lives in the harness room by himself because of the segregation law set by Jim Crow; he is also the only black man on the ranch. Crooks likes to read books this shows he is cleverer than the other men on the ranch and likes to keep his room neat, but he has been so beaten down by loneliness and prejudicial treatment of that he is also starting to treat people with hatred. His Physical disability is one of the many ways that he suffers on the ranch. John Steinbeck tries to make the novel realistic by showing how black people were treated and isolated in 1930s America. Crooks may not be the main character in the novel, he is important because he fitted in the society at the time of the novel in 1930s America. Steinbeck uses Crooks to show how life was for black people in 1930s America. The Character is firstly introduced when candy was showing George and Lennie around and when he was talking abou t how angry the boss was when George and Lennie were late to work. Candy tells them that the boss takes his anger on crooks,† Ya see the stable bucks a nigger†, â€Å"the boss gives him hell when he is mad†. White People in 1930s America had no discomfort in using derogatory language, this was normal for people it was the local language in 1930s. Candy says â€Å"nice fella too† and â€Å"he reads a lot† Proving he is intelligent and nice guy. People show hatred towards him because of the colour of his skin. He and many coloured people were separated from the whites in 1930, because of the Jim Crow laws. George asks Candy ‘‘what kind of man is the boss’’ he quickly brings up that the boss had brought whisky for them at Christmas, he also explains what happened when they let crooks in, Crooks got into a fight one Christmas with a white man. Steinbeck presents the character of Crooks in a detailed description; John Steinbeck t ells us that Crooks’ room is in the harness where all the horses sleep, this shows that he is segregated from all the other men on the ranch.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Random acts of kindness Essay

I believe in random acts of kindness. The smallest things that can make you smile. I believe that if you do something nice for someone, they will take that act of kindness and spread it out to people they come across throughout their day. It’s the smallest things that make the biggest differences. For example, holding the door for someone who has their hands full or smiling at a stranger as they pass by. It’s these little things that let people know someone cares. This belief is not based on one significant personal experience, but a few of them that I have experienced throughout my life. Not one individual experience was what I call â€Å"life changing† but looking back at the ones that I can remember, I can easily say that they were. I remember one day last year when I was a counselor in training at my summer camp, and not having the greatest day. Nothing specific was wrong, but everyone has those days where everything just seems to go wrong. Well I went to bed that night and there was a bouquet of tissue paper flowers and a note that said â€Å"I hope this brightens your day!† I still do not know who left them on my bed, but it doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that counts. One of my favorite personal experiences was when I was visiting the University of Miami. It was pouring rain, and we were on the campus tour. To get from one building to the next, we had to cross into the rain, and right there, there was a student standing with a bunch of umbrellas. Anyone who did not have their own umbrella was then given one by this student. The umbrellas were stamped with a logo and the words â€Å"random acts of kindness†. There was another student stationed at the other building, who was collecting the umbrellas and passing them out to people traveling in the opposite direction. A gesture as simple as this has the power to make somebody’s day brighter. I can also recall numerous times when a stranger has held a door for me, or I for them. Something that I have always wanted to do, but have not had the chance yet is while in the drive though line, pay an extra $5 for the person behind you. I have seen this on TV and it is an extremely nice gesture to do for someone you have most likely never spoken to before. As I said earlier, it’s the smallest things that make the biggest impacts in people’s lives. So here is my challenge to you. Today, before you go to bed, do a random act of kindness. It can be to someone you know or someone who is a complete stranger, but it has to be random. And I’ll bet that before you go to bed, you will receive a random act of kindness in return.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 8

Economics - Essay Example Basically, the Irish Government and European Central Bank are fixing a problem that has struck worldwide. In the end, the Irish economy will bounce back. As around the world, Ireland had a massive amount of bad bank debt. This bad bank debt has created a crisis within the Irish economy. This phenomenon has been worldwide. Banks have been making irresponsible loans, Irish banks were no exception. Kirby (2010: 4) reports â€Å"Government subsidies fuelled a frenzy of building around the country and banks lent recklessly to developers to buy land at grossly inflated prices and to customers to buy the houses and apartments built on this land at equally high prices.† When the economy was better, mortgage interest and collateral were seen as a win/win situation. However when the economy started taking a downward turn the banks began having too much collateral. Bankers do not want collateral, they want mortgage payments. Once these mortgage payments started to decrease, Irish banks started to fail. The banks were not tightly regulated before the recessions. Loans could be given on inflated prices. McCormick (2009) explains, â€Å"Overreliance on construction, cheap credit and securitization of housing loans exposed Ireland to a sharp reversal of economic activity. Irish housing prices collapsed and the banking sector faced losses and liquidity pressures.† The more given, the more the banks expected to receive. If regulations had been in place on how much could be loaned, property assessed correctly, and other common sense rules, the Irish economy might not be in a recession. McDonald and Moya (2010) reports: Hard-pressed Irish taxpayers are now rescuing the banks from the consequences of their greed and folly. In return, we must now insist that they go back to basic business, and that means keeping every fundamentally profitable company in business. As a result of the failing banks, the Irish Government and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Annoted Bibliography on STIs Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Annoted Bibliography on STIs - Literature review Example In this important countrywide rule document, sexual health remains termed as one of six vital considerations, and the HDA prove summarizations chosen like the origin of data on efficient interventions. During 2005, DH compiled the action arrangement Delivering selecting health, which fixes vital aims around STIs, rolling out Chlamydia screening and access to genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics inside 48 hours. During 2005, the HDA merged with the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), to make the current National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence and maintained the short form NICE (Masters, 2013:194). The latest institution progresses with the dedication to construct on the proof foundation in public health. In the process of the State’s progressive dedication to sexual health and HIV, and the need to base STI control in precise proof, it remained seen important to review the 2004 Evidence Briefing to make sure that the major current update stage proof r emains accessible for arranging services and increasing the sexual health of the people. NICE proof briefings account on reviews of reviews, rarely termed to as tertiary stage study. They constitute contextual descriptions of the advantages and disadvantages of the proof from reviews, spotting of loopholes in the proof, a breakdown of forthcoming major and minor study requirements, and a debate of the effects of the proof for rule and practice (Peate, 2010:6). Summary Article 1: Policy During 2001, the DH authored the initial National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV. This established five major purposes, together with minimizing the spread of STIs with a countrywide objective of a 25% minimization in lately gonorrhea diseases by 2007, thus lowering dominance of undiagnosed STIs and lowering disgrace related with STIs. In addition, after this, the white paper Choosing Health: making healthy choices easier, constituted sexual wellbeing as one of its main privileges. This has motiva ted a re-energized dedication to deal with sexual disease health, and extra materials have remained offered for acting as such. In the doing arrangement, the State stipulated its goals to increase sexual health services in a latest $300m schedule for the coming three years (Carroll, 2004:340). Article 2: Epidemiology The examination of STIs depends on GUM clinicians accounting for increased figures of chosen states by gender and age, and for a few states, if matters in men are heterosexual of from intercourse between men. These remain delivered quarterly on KC60 forms. Whereas there exists disadvantages of the scheme, it is a precise origin of information on behaviors. Further contextual data remains looked for from extra studies, like the Gonococcal Resistance to Antimicrobials Surveillance Programme (GRASP) study to examine objection to gonorrhea cure and facilitated examination of occurrences of before exceptional diseases like syphilis and lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV). There a re recently two current vaccines under review, both of which focus to cover versus the two mini-kinds that lead to warts. Detectives of genital warts rose by 3.1% between 2005 and 2006. During 2005, 50% of detectives remained in heterosexual men, 47% in females, and 3% in men who have intercourse with men (MSM)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Cis 331 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cis 331 - Assignment Example The alternative method will be reasonable and less expensive. Towing of the ice will increase the amount of fresh water in the city. It will contribute to the development of the country since a lot of resources will be saved and hence used in other activities as discussed in Adams (2001). What information can be brought to bear? Adams (2001) states that we can bear in mind that since water expands upon freezing, 1 cubic meter of ice construct only 0.85 cubic meter of water. The volume of an iceberg ranges from about 500,000 cubic meters to more than 10 million cubic meters. Spherical icebergs shrink over a day at a given distance from the pole and at the given towing speed. The fuel cost used will depend on the size of the icebergs. Submerged portion of an iceberg melt slower than the visible part which changes its size. What can we ask the client? Is the method of any benefit to the city? How long will it take for the project to complete? By how much is the proposed method efficient over the current method? Are there similar questions? Yes; what are some of the factors that manipulate the economics of such scheme? What are the disadvantages of this method? Formulate one or more problem statements. Adams (2001) argues that spherical iceberg would lose about 0.2 meter of radius per day during transport, this amount increases with the rate of towing and the expanse from the pole. Fuel costs for tow boats depend on various factors; the size of the boat, the speed and the volume of the iceberg being towed. There are differences in rental costs and capacities of towing vessels. Large icebergs will provide more water, but they may take longer and cost more to transport. Small icebergs provide less water but may be more able to move. It is difficult to prove which size to work with; the ice could melt before it reaches its destination hence making to reach to a loss. What are the decisions,